
Monday, 28 February 2022

"A God who seeks when hopes are dashed"

A God who seeks when hopes are dashed Dear child of God, Jesus Christ comes to you when all your hopes are dashed. Often we put our trust in God when we have exhausted all our abilities and influences. Simon labored all night in Lake Gennesaret, but found nothing. Simon used all his skills over the years and threw the net and got nothing. That is when Jesus got into Simon's boat and began to teach the people. Simon left his boat to instruct Jesus. And when he had left speaking, he said unto Simon, Put out into the deep, and let down your nets. Simon told Jesus his condition. Then he said, "Let the net go down just as Jesus said." And Simon obeyed, and went out, and entered into a draft. Dear child of God, If you surrender the boat, which is my life and yours, to Jesus, Jesus Christ will turn our losses into profit. God will fill our boat with the boat of Simon, who labored all night and received nothing. Jesus Christ comes to us when we are depressed and tired. Disappointment becomes hope if we obey what Jesus says.

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"എപ്പോഴും സന്തോഷിക്കുക "

എപ്പോഴും സന്തോഷിക്കുക "കർത്താവിൽ എപ്പോഴും സന്തോഷിപ്പിൻ ;സന്തോഷിപ്പിൻ എന്ന് ഞാൻ പിന്നെയും പറയുന്നു." ഫിലിപ്പിയർ 4:4. ഈ ഭൂമിയിൽ ...