Wednesday, 25 October 2023
"Always rejoice in the Lord"
Always rejoice in the Lord
"Rejoice in the Lord always; I say again, rejoice."
Philippians 4:4.
When we live on this earth, various issues such as hardships, diseases, financial difficulties, reproaches may come into our lives and deprive us of our happiness. In this verse, the apostle Paul warns us not to let that happen. We have not gone through the same hardships that the Apostle Paul went through. In this verse, the Apostle Paul exhorts us not to be sad in his sufferings but to rely on the Lord and make others happy. The Apostle Paul tells us to always rejoice and be glad, remembering the eternal happiness that the Lord has prepared for us in eternity by entrusting all our sorrows to the Lord.
When we submit all our sorrows to the Lord and remember the eternal happiness that the Lord has prepared for us, the sorrows of this world are only for a moment. When we remember the weight of eternal glory, all our sorrows will turn into joy. Therefore, let us always be happy in the Lord.
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