
Thursday, 13 February 2020

"Today Daily Devotional "

"Oh, that we might find men today whose hearts are burning with love and devotion, and because their hearts are burning, their speech will burn - with love, with adoration, and with hatred for sin.

My prayer is, "Lord, teach me to hold my tongue. Teach me to do as the psalmist says, set a watch at the door of my lips that my speech may always be seasoned with grace. My tongue never a sword. My speech always edifying, uplifting, and that which glorifies God." Amen."

Leonard Ravenhill (1907-1994)

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"എപ്പോഴും സന്തോഷിക്കുക "

എപ്പോഴും സന്തോഷിക്കുക "കർത്താവിൽ എപ്പോഴും സന്തോഷിപ്പിൻ ;സന്തോഷിപ്പിൻ എന്ന് ഞാൻ പിന്നെയും പറയുന്നു." ഫിലിപ്പിയർ 4:4. ഈ ഭൂമിയിൽ ...