
Tuesday, 28 January 2020

God Hates the Adultery and Homosexuality-Bro.Zac Poonen

The first sexual union between a man and a woman brings a mystical union between the two, and marriage is consummated right there. The Bible says,

Do you not know and realize that when a man joins himself to a prostitute he becomes one body with her? The two, it is written, shall become one flesh" (1 Corinthians 6:16).
In the Old Testament, sexual union between a man and a woman is spoken of as "knowing". Sexual intercourse is not an act that has merely physical effects. Neither can it be easily forgotten. It fuses the two involved into one in a mysterious way. This is why God has placed so many deterrents along the pathway of sexual irregularity - deadly diseases like syphilis and gonorrhea to name just two. The Bible says that

God Himself will judge those who traffic in the bodies of others (Hebrews 13:4 - JBP).
Young men usually look for privilege and enjoyment without attendant responsibilities. This is why they are tempted to seek for the pleasure of sexual indulgence without the responsibilities of married life. Men who degrade sex like that can expect nothing but the curse and judgment of God upon their lives.

Young men are sometimes challenged by their perverted worldly friends to prove their manhood by sexual intercourse. They are derided if they don't date a girl or if they cannot recount any sexual adventures. True manhood however is proved not by sexual license but by self-control.

The Bible gives us the example of David who "lost out" partially because of unbridled lust. Notice the circumstances that led to his fall. 2 Samuel 11:1 & 2 tell us that he had been staying lazily at home when he should have been out on the battlefield. He had neglected his duty and given way to sloth and ease. Then he saw Bathsheba. Instead of disciplining his eyes he continued to gaze at her and thus fell into sin.

We read in the Bible also of Samson who "lost out" completely as a result of his uncontrolled passions (Judges 14 & 16). When he saw a beautiful women, he forgot all about his calling as a servant of God - and thereby lost his ministry. Many others since, have fallen in exactly the same manner and lost their ministry too.

On the other hand, we read of Joseph who had neither the luxury and ease and position that David had, nor the high calling to the service of God that Samson had, and yet who triumphed completely over lust. Genesis 39 should be read and studied by every young man. We see there in verse 7, how the temptation came to Joseph suddenly one day, without any warning whatsoever. So will it come to us. If we are not prepared for it beforehand, we shall assuredly fall. If Joseph had been indulging in lustful thinking in his private life, he would have fallen easily. But Joseph had been practicing the presence of God and so when the temptation came, the presence of God was more real to him that the presence of anyone else. If Joseph's spirituality had been only something put on to impress others and not something deep and real, then he would undoubtedly have succumbed to such a strong temptation.

Notice too that it was the fear of God that held Joseph back from falling into sin and not the fear of being discovered or the fear of punishment (verse 9). Alas, it is only these latter fears that hold back many people from sins these days. But Joseph's relationship with God was far deeper than the superficial relationship that most folks have in our day.

We read that Joseph resisted repeated attempts made by Potiphar's wife to lead him into sin (verse 10). He said, "No" the first time and so it was easier for him to say "No" the second time and easier still the third time. As the hymn says,

"Yield not to temptation for yielding is sin;
Each victory will help you some other to win".
Verse 10 tells us that Joseph avoided the presence of Potiphar's wife altogether. This is always the safest course to follow - to avoid the scene of temptation totally when ever possible.

Joseph's example warns us that we will have to be careful in our relationships with the opposite sex. And if it is not only in the presence of attractive girls that caution has be to be exercised, for temptation can come from unattractive girls too. Some of the latter, aware of their lack of beauty, may at times try to make up for it, by offering greater freedom to men to touch their bodies.

The Bible warns us,

Avoid sexual looseness like the plague! Every other sin that a man commits is done outside his own body, but this is an offense against his own body. Have you forgotten that your body is the temple of the Holy Spirit who lives in you and is God's gift to you, and that you are not the owner of your own body? You have been bought, and at what a price! Therefore bring glory to God in your body (1 Corinthians 6:18-20 - JBP).
And again,

Run from anything that gives you the evil thoughts that young men often have" (2 Timothy 2:22 - TLB).
That was what Joseph did. He did not mind being slandered or even imprisoned, but he refused to yield to lust. No wonder God honoured him. Perhaps failure in this realm may be the reason why God cannot honour many young men today!

Homosexuality refers to sexual attraction between individuals of the same sex. It was one of the sins for which God judged Sodom and Gomorrah in Lot's time. It is condemned in no uncertain terms in Leviticus 18:22 and in 1 Corinthians 6:9, 10. The Bible warns those who indulge in homosexual practices that they will "receive in their own personalities the consequences of sexual perversity" (Romans 1:26-27 - JBP). The Old Testament law specified death without mercy for those who practiced sodomy (Leviticus 20:13).

A believer should not only have nothing whatsoever to do with homosexuality, he should also avoid having any unnatural affection towards someone of his own sex. He should likewise resist the subtle approaches of homosexual-minded people. If you are already in the grip of this evil habit, seek the Lord's face earnestly for deliverance and endeavour to have healthy, normal contact with the opposite sex. It may help too, if you seek the counsel and prayer-help of an older believer.

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"എപ്പോഴും സന്തോഷിക്കുക "

എപ്പോഴും സന്തോഷിക്കുക "കർത്താവിൽ എപ്പോഴും സന്തോഷിപ്പിൻ ;സന്തോഷിപ്പിൻ എന്ന് ഞാൻ പിന്നെയും പറയുന്നു." ഫിലിപ്പിയർ 4:4. ഈ ഭൂമിയിൽ ...