
Thursday 20 February 2020

"Today Daily Devotional "

"Remember, the relationship between the vine and the branches is such that hourly, daily, unceasingly, the living connection is maintained. The sap does not flow for a time, and then stop, and then flow again. Instead, moment to moment, the sap flows from the vine to the branches.

And just so, my Lord Jesus wants me to take that blessed position as a worker. Morning by morning and day by day and hour by hour and step by step-in every work-I have to go out to abide before Him in the simple, utter helplessness of one who knows nothing. I must be as one who is nothing, and can do nothing. Oh, beloved workers, study that word nothing."

Andrew Murray (1828-1917)

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"ദൈവം നമ്മെ അനുഗ്രഹിച്ചാൽ അതു തടയുവാൻ ആർക്കും സാധ്യമല്ല."

ദൈവം നമ്മെ അനുഗ്രഹിച്ചാൽ അതു തടയുവാൻ ആർക്കും സാധ്യമല്ല. യോസെഫിനോട് ദൈവം വെളിപ്പെടുത്തിയ സ്വപ്നത്തിന് ശേഷം യോസെഫിനു തന്റെ സ്വപ്നം ഒരിക്കലും ന...